mcqs on cell theory by clinic side

CELL THEORY: Multiple Choice Questions

Cell Theory

Cell Theory: Evolution and Principles

The historical development of cell theory in biological sciences unfolded across various cultures, with ancient Greeks initiating comprehensive efforts to systematize natural world data. Aristotle’s noteworthy contribution lay in recognizing the interconnectedness of knowledge regarding animals and plants.

In 1665, Robert Hooke observed a thin Cork slice through his microscope, revealing tiny empty spaces enclosed by walls. Termed “cells” due to their resemblance to small rooms, Hooke’s observation was limited to the thick cell wall.

Later, in 1831, Robert Brown identified the nucleus in plant cells, and Schleiden, a botanist in 1838, concluded that all plants are comprised of cells. The zoologist Schwann (1839) extended this idea to animals.

In 1855, Virchow proposed the concept that living cells originate from preexisting cells, encapsulating it with the phrase “Omniscellula e cellula” (all cells arise from cells). Louis Pasteur’s 1862 experiments experimentally validated this notion, demonstrating that bacteria could only originate from preexisting bacteria.


This wealth of information coalesced into the foundational concept of cell theory in biology. The modern iteration of cell theory posits that:

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